"Mark Spoelstra not only deserves to be remembered, but he should be heard by a whole new generation of listeners." -- Richard Ludmerer, Director, The New York Blues & Jazz Society
You can read the whole review here.
a writer of intensity and brilliance." -San Francisco
Folk "The artist of major interest out here....(Berkeley)
-- Trumbull -- Sing Out Magazine
the warmest and most enthusiastic response at the
SESC Festival went to Mark Spoelstra ... insight and
sensitivity unmatched by his contemporaries." -Boston
Broadside #61
of the best ... in contemporary song writing." --Robert
Shelton. N.Y. Times
us dry..." Faith Petric, S.F. Folk Festival "... virtually
unmatched by the current singers and writers of topical
songs." - L.A. Valley Star
one of the most impressive ... I've heard in a long
time." - L.A. Free Press - (Paul Jay Robbins)
Bus driver delights the children". Palo Alto Times
Tribune - Leslie Conley